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We are a group of Christians who meet together in Jenison, Michigan to praise God, encourage one another, learn more of what the Bible teaches us, and to be challenged to go out and share the joy that God has given to us.
to our church
Sunday Services
9:30 AM and 5:00 PM
Nursery is available during the morning service.
The third Sunday evening of each month we participate
in a combined worship service with area churches.
Check out our calendar for the location.
to a
Worship Service
Services include biblical preaching, congregational singing, and prayer. The audio can be found here.
child Hope
We serve our community by partnering mentors with students from a local school through the Kids Hope Program.
a stronger marriage
Go on a date without the kids once a month, October—March. Check out our Parent's Night Out.
for Jesus as a Cadet
A Christian boy's club, similar to scouting, for 1st through 8th graders.
Check out our Ministry Team
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